Tabouli Lou and the Trebuchet Shoe must make the following statement before any material may be posted: THE MATERIAL POSTED HERE IS FOR THE INTENDED USE OF OUR AUDIENCE The word "material" refers to anything you're listening to, looking at, or otherwise receiving a sensory experience from. The word "posted" refers to anything you find here or anything that finds you. The word "here" refers to the realm of Lou or associated realms. The word "is" has been defined to death by the Clinton Impeachment hearings. Check it out if you're at all unclear on "is". Also, for our purposes, "is" refers to anything that was or will be. The word "intended" means anything we mean or you think we mean. It also means anything we're obliged by law, contract, or ethics (ie: Napster court rulings) to mean, and anything you're obliged by you're own personal ethics (eg: Muslim faith) to think we mean. We mean it. The word "use" refers to anyway our material, or material we claim is ours', does something that you made it do. Also, it refers to anything our material does that you didn't notice, didn't expect, didn't want, didn't know about, didn't understand, didn't allow to finish, didn't remember, didn't pay for, didn't acknowledge, didn't like, or didn't think happened. The word "audience" refers to anything with the capacity to appear to be "using" the "material" "posted" "here" as it "is" "intended".